Such..(Sunday)..good..cut..sleep..yes..such..fully..anywhere..anywhere..dust..「Silver?Meke is foolish. 」Urubaka Gengne is yes Asoasoaso very yes in Asoasoasoasopasomaso and Gengne.
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Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:23 pm Post subject: official communication 7/21/2005 ---- The service disruption persists due to a database corruption problem. We are in the process of restoring the core grid database from a large number of very sizable sequential log files.
The restore process has stalled twice due to corrupted log files at the end of the log file sequence. We are working diligently to resolve this problem.
We would like to thank all of our members for their continued patience over the last couple of days while our servers have been offline for maintenance.
At this point, our grid servers should now be operational and distributing workunits again. Unfortunately, there are some complications that all members will want to be aware of:
- If your UD Agent displays a login prompt and asks you to enter your password again, please select the checkbox indicating that you are an existing user, and then re-enter your old password. (If you have forgotten your password, you can try the password-recovery facility at /recover_login.htm, or worst case re-create a new user account.) Once you do this procedure, your Agent should download a new workunit and begin working again.
- The "Total Points" and "Total CPU Time" values displayed by the UD Agent may be temporarily desynchronized (slightly lower) than the values displayed on the Member Web pages at We will be working to resynchronize these values, and we expect all point and cpu time totals to be properly reflected as soon as possible.
Thanks again for your continued support! _________________ Jeff Lawson; United Devices/; Senior Software Architect (Join us on IRC: #ud on
□Click here if you are an existing member. 自分も↑にチェック入れ忘れてログインしてしまいました。 新しい宿題は落ちてきました。 UD上のポイントは0なんですが、メンバーページでは10倍くらいに増えてました。 今月からはじめたばかりなのですが、Member Statisticsに先月分のステータスがあったり、 チームとかデバイスが見知らぬものに変わっていたりもします。
調べてみると、ユーザーネームは自分のものなのですが、 Member Statisticsがほかの人のデータが間違って表示されてるぽいのです。 このままつけっぱなしで大丈夫ですかね?
Click here if you are an existing member にチェックしてユーザー名とパスワードを入れたら The username or password that you have provided does not match the one in our records. って言われたよ。ためしにチェックを外して同じユーザー名とパスワードを入れてみると新しく アカウントがつくられて0ポイントにリセット。Przasnyszというチームに勝手に登録されていた。
メンバーページで、今までポイント数は Member Statistics > Team History & Statistics (Teamが約1日遅れ) だったのが、今は Member Statistics < Team History & Statistics (Memberが約1週間遅れ) になってる。幸いチームは1つだけなんだけどね。 6月に始めたからかな?