>>430 名前の変更は、My Member Profileのところですよね。 何かエラーが出てしまうのです。 An error has occurred processing your request. Message: Member Name "新しくしたいメンバー名" is not available at this time 後過去のPCでの得点も一緒に移動させたいのですが…
The process to copy and update member and device registration, profile, and statistics data from the main UD databases to the grid.org statistics database is currently in operation.
Start Time Process Type Avg. Run Time (hh:mm:ss)
04:30 UTC Registrations/Statistics 03:47:00 * approximate time remaining: 133 minutes
* The approximate time remaining is only an estimate. It is based on the current average run time of the process. The actual run time of a single process operation can vary greatly depending on the size and distribution of the data being copied and updated.
UD Monitor作者の見解出てる I should also make people aware that using the backup option in UDM can itself sometimes cause WUs to abort - something I discovered and reported many moons ago.
If it works for you, that is fine, that's why it was never removed.
Also the fact that you can get through an aborted WU suggests the WU itself is not at fault and more likely the ligandfit app is somehow getting confused after running for a period of time. Investigations by UD is still on-going.