Note: The United Devices internet team has been automatically notified of this error and will work to resolve it as quickly as possible. It is recommended that you visit our online message boards for possible information about currently known issues or downtime with the UD network. っていわれて、登録できないのでどないしたらよろしこでしょうか?
最近はCPUタイム、リターン回数やスコアを見ようと思っても見れなくなったしなんかつまらなくなってきた・・な つねにこんなメッセージがでるだけだし・・ ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ An error has occurred while processing your request. Please try your request again or return to the previous page.