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【Team 2ch】分散コンピューティング総合256【UD→BOINC】

174 :名無しさん?:2007/09/14(金) 01:07:04 ID:???
XtremLab at BOINC Workshop

XtremLab project attended last week to The Third Pan-Galactic BOINC
Workshop that have been held 5-6 September 2007 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Various projects presented their current and planed activities. On the second
day, David Anderson presented a progress report of the BOINC platform.
Then, we discussed of the future of BOINC in 12 different Discussions topics
and severals new ideas where proposed. Here is a photo of the conference:

175 :名無しさん?:2007/09/14(金) 01:09:18 ID:???
久しぶりにxtrem タスクを許可してみた


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