>>825 FAQによると > The AfricanClimate@Home downloaded work unit size is anticipated to be approximately 77MB, which means it is approximately 150 times larger than a typical FightAIDS@Home or HPF2 work unit. AfricanClimateはネットワーク帯域の負担が、WUあたりで並みのプロジェクトの150倍 回線の負荷の効率化が一番の狙いじゃないかな。 数台のハード程度は寄贈を募れば、 IBM社員からでも何とかしてくれそうだけど、 回線のコストアップは日々かさんでいく訳で
WCGで昨日からエラーで宿題提出と取得ができない状態が続いてました。 ↓の繰り返し。 2003/01/01 15:58:37|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work 2003/01/01 15:58:37|World Community Grid|Requesting 24218 seconds of new work 2003/01/01 15:58:39||Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site 2003/01/01 15:58:40||Access to reference site succeeded - project servers may be temporarily down. 2003/01/01 15:58:43|World Community Grid|Scheduler request failed: peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates 2003/01/01 15:58:43|World Community Grid|Deferring communication for 1 min 33 sec 2003/01/01 15:58:43|World Community Grid|Reason: scheduler request failed