7. プロジェクト登録 Tools>Attach to project を選択 (ここでもし「not able to connect to a client」と言われたら、Advanced>Retry Communications) Sign in を選択し、Project URL に www.ps3grid.net/PS3GRID/ と入力
8. アカウント登録 <初めての場合、この項目は解説ビデオどおりではないので注意!> 「No, new user」を選び、メアドとパスを入力 (他プロジェクトをやっている場合は、メアドは共通に!)
November 14, 2007 To update the applications having version number of 14.81 or 14.82 automatically, version number of the latest BD application has been changed into Ver. 15.00. Program of Ver. 15.00 is the same as that of Ver. 5.99.
Our server is temporarily closed. It will be reopened in a near futur. The server operating system, the database and BOINC software have been upgraded. A new non-cpu intensive version of XtremLab will be also released.
Sorry for the inconvenience during the upgrading process.