Some members are having work aborted by the server
Some members may have been issued invalid work during the transition. The next time that they communicate with us, this work will be canceled.
If you are concerned that you might be running invalid work, then you should force your client to update with our servers immediately. This will either immediately cancel the work running if it is invalid, or do nothing if the work you are running is valid. You can force an update by going to the Advanced view, Projects tab, Select World Community Grid and then click on the Update button. You can see the results on the messages tab.
All clients will automatically connect to our servers within three days and resolve this issue then.
What happened is that we turned off BOINC on the servers in the old environment. However, we missed turning off a script that did file log rotation and as part of that it restarted the schedulers. About 8 hours after we exported the database from the old environment, the schedulers there turned on and clients that connected during that time would have been issued invalid work. About 4 hours after the schedulers were turned on in the old environment accidentally, we shut down the database there so after that time no more invalid work would have been issued.
We apologize to all the members who may have received this invalid work and we appreciate your patience as we work through issues that are occurring as a result of the move.
2009/01/11 11:22:46|World Community Grid|Task E000088_463A_000g5d00h_0 exited with zero status but no 'finished' file 2009/01/11 11:22:46|World Community Grid|If this happens repeatedly you may need to reset the project.
2009.01.04-01.11 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 順位 チーム名 平均功績/日 総功績(/週) 国 04位 SETI.USA.. 49人 13 73,742(+135) United States 05位 AMD Users 24 1 31,066(+13). International 06位 Team 2ch 39人(+0) 49 23,010(+529) Japan 07位 UK BOINC Team. 23人. 1 17,985(+15) United Kingdom 08位 The Knights Who Say Ni! 15人. 0 12,229(+0) International ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 先週は前スレ849 ようやくテスト動作が可能となり、その宿題が配布され出しました ただ、新形式のプログラムが完成するにはもう数週間かかるとのことです