September 7, 15:55 CST Due to a complete power failure which lasted longer than the battery backup and since I wasn't around to start the generator, Collatz experienced a total crash. After power was restored, the server daemons fail when connecting to the database. An update message will be posted once it comes back online.
Two weeks ago there has been a vote whether FreeHAL members want to have free credits as compensation when results of all users get lost. The voter participation was small (1.63%), although I wrote it on the project news page. The result has been that the users don't want such a compensation.
So there is now a re-vote until 30th September, but if the participation is under 25% now, I will stick at the old result!!
んがWCGのほうも,CUDA用の宿題を要求しに行くようになった感じ こんなメッセージが出てます 2009/09/17 18:44:28 World Community Grid Requesting new tasks for GPU 2009/09/17 18:44:33 World Community Grid Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
Glad we can help, although we will routinely vanish. The systems I am using are from a "Cluster for Hire" company, and most of the time they are doing contract work.
# チーム名 RAC 総功績(10日分の⊿) 25 BOINC.Italy .27,415.54 10,224,631.94(+338,971.01) 26 Electronic Sports League (ESL) 33,360.12 .8,498,566.31(+326,837.39) 27 The Knights Who Say Ni! ..8,035.49 .8,210,516.89(+. 51,505.97) 28 Team 2ch ...26,823.36 .8,131,874.09(+246,965.35) 29 Duke University .25,422.06 .7,771,629.24(+306,461.90)
(続き) このチャレンジはProth Prime Search (LLR)で48時間行われまつ。 参加方法は、PrimeGrid のpreferencesからProth Prime Search (LLR) だ け を 選んでちょ。 期間は日本時間10月3日03:00から10月5日03:00まで Linux 32 bit と Windows 32 bit で参加できるお 64 bitでも大丈夫だお 他のLLRと同じで、64bitだからといって何か有利になるなんてことは無いですお
# チーム名 RAC 総功績 .(⊿) 25 BOINC.Italy .27,848.93 10,255,235.56(+30,603.62) 26 Electronic Sports League (ESL) 32,151.81 .8,517,386.77(+18,820.46) 27 The Knights Who Say Ni! ..7,679.02 .8,214,327.24(+. 3,810.35) 28 Team 2ch ...26,114.89 .8,150,129.80(+18,255.71) 29 Duke University .25,183.81 .7,799,626.82(+27,997.58)
Re: Final Batches of IADS have been determined. UPDATE ALERT! :) :) :)
There are about 3.25 days of new work waiting to be sent out. This may move a little bit but should be between 3 and 4 days left of new work. So the estimate of Oct 1-2 is a pretty solid estimate :) I will try to let everyone know when the last new work goes out.
# チーム名 RAC 総功績 .(⊿) 25 BOINC.Italy .28,360.43 10,290,353.18(+35,117.62) 26 Electronic Sports League (ESL) 31,322.97 .8,542,490.98(+25,104.21) 27 The Knights Who Say Ni! ..7,758.88 .8,223,304.43(+. 8,977.19) 28 Team 2ch ...26,368.21 .8,180,157.49(+30,027.69) 29 Duke University .25,699.56 .7,838,126.72(+38,499.90)
# チーム名 RAC 総功績 .(⊿) 25 BOINC.Italy .29,374.08 10,338,717.35(+48,364.18) 26 Electronic Sports League (ESL) 30,803.32 .8,573,044.25(+30,553.27) 27 The Knights Who Say Ni! ..7,452.65 .8,227,914.96(+. 4,610.52) 28 Team 2ch ...27,825.71 .8,221,781.33(+41,623.84) 29 Duke University .26,313.28 .7,879,093.51(+40,966.78)
MilkyWay@Home月報(2009年09月01日~2009年09月30日) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Rank Name 総功績(⊿) 平均功績(⊿) 国名 ──────────────────────────────────────────── 11位 (↓) BOINC@AUSTRALIA.. 175,045,362.03(+20861369) 600,266.45(-249306) Australia 12位 (↓) Team Norway 141,589,529.02(+22658226) 732,007.28(-275354) Norway 13位 (→) Team England (Boinc) 125,114,593.14(+20263461) 714,304.62(. +38955) United Kingdom 14位 (→) BOINC@MIXI 123,456,740.21(+28855454) 784,363.85(-331819) Japan 15位 (↑) Team 2ch. 116,484,263.14(+35285200) 1,249,655.69(+164414) Japan 16位 (↓) BOINC.BE 113,596,361.64(+19378050) 634,188.24(-150691) Belgium 17位 (↓) The Final Front Ear. 104,782,882.19(+22702131) 796,928.62(. +74772) International 18位 (↑) Cruncher Junkies. 92,628,905.33(+17918885) 496,656.48(-312535) International 19位 (→) Czech National Team 92,488,148.08(+17627463) 577,410.53( +2839) Czech Republic ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ BOINC@MIXIまであと僅かです。
今回のチャレンジは「Proth Prime Search (LLR)」です。 PrimeGridにログインして、"PrimeGrid の好みの設定(preferences)"画面のApplicationsから、 それのみを選択しておいて下さい。上から5番目(Sophie Germain Prime Searchの上)です。
2009/10/03 3:01:35|PrimeGrid|Message from server: No work sent 2009/10/03 3:01:35|PrimeGrid|Message from server: No work is available for PPS LLR 2009/10/03 3:01:35|PrimeGrid|Message from server: No work available for the applications you have selected. Please check your settings on the web site.
Message 18279 - 2 Oct 2009 18:18:19 UTC - 18276 への返信 サーバが過負荷になってるようだ。チャレンジの始めではいつものことだが。 メインページにはWUのリストが上がってるのに落ちてこない点が何か違ってる いつも以上に過負荷なのかな
18291 - 2 Oct 2009 19:06:05 UTC(後半よくわからないので放置) 鯖の緊急リブートが必要だった。タスクを受け取れない人がいたからね。。 Because you probably were trying very hard and clicking update, you got the message which was only up for less than 30 seconds :)
18299 - 2 Oct 2009 20:25:54 UTC バリデータはどんくらい火入れるん? それか終わりまで放置?
18301 - 2 Oct 2009 20:49:01 UTC 鯖の負荷で判断するつもり。 タスク配れないと話にならないからね。
18312 - 3 Oct 2009 6:03:47 UTC 功績が承認されないんだが?
18313 - 3 Oct 2009 7:44:59 UTC 過負荷に備えてバリデータ止めてるからなんだぜ over-commited な現時点でWUのバリデートをすべきではないということ、 それと新しいWUが十分に配れない事態に陥ることを考慮してそうしてる チャレンジの時は終わって負荷が落ち着いてから検査始めれば十分だしな
ttp:// >Congrats to "Team 2ch" for having the most results returned yesterday - over 32,000! >Check out "Team 2ch" team page: #fb
誰か「翻訳」Plz esult '(result)' exited with zero status but no 'finished' file/Task (task) exited with a DLL initialization error/Unrecoverable error for result (task) (too many exit(0)s) ttp://