# チーム名 RAC 総功績(10日分の⊿) 25 BOINC.Italy .27,415.54 10,224,631.94(+338,971.01) 26 Electronic Sports League (ESL) 33,360.12 .8,498,566.31(+326,837.39) 27 The Knights Who Say Ni! ..8,035.49 .8,210,516.89(+. 51,505.97) 28 Team 2ch ...26,823.36 .8,131,874.09(+246,965.35) 29 Duke University .25,422.06 .7,771,629.24(+306,461.90)
(続き) このチャレンジはProth Prime Search (LLR)で48時間行われまつ。 参加方法は、PrimeGrid のpreferencesからProth Prime Search (LLR) だ け を 選んでちょ。 期間は日本時間10月3日03:00から10月5日03:00まで Linux 32 bit と Windows 32 bit で参加できるお 64 bitでも大丈夫だお 他のLLRと同じで、64bitだからといって何か有利になるなんてことは無いですお
# チーム名 RAC 総功績 .(⊿) 25 BOINC.Italy .27,848.93 10,255,235.56(+30,603.62) 26 Electronic Sports League (ESL) 32,151.81 .8,517,386.77(+18,820.46) 27 The Knights Who Say Ni! ..7,679.02 .8,214,327.24(+. 3,810.35) 28 Team 2ch ...26,114.89 .8,150,129.80(+18,255.71) 29 Duke University .25,183.81 .7,799,626.82(+27,997.58)
Re: Final Batches of IADS have been determined. UPDATE ALERT! :) :) :)
There are about 3.25 days of new work waiting to be sent out. This may move a little bit but should be between 3 and 4 days left of new work. So the estimate of Oct 1-2 is a pretty solid estimate :) I will try to let everyone know when the last new work goes out.
# チーム名 RAC 総功績 .(⊿) 25 BOINC.Italy .28,360.43 10,290,353.18(+35,117.62) 26 Electronic Sports League (ESL) 31,322.97 .8,542,490.98(+25,104.21) 27 The Knights Who Say Ni! ..7,758.88 .8,223,304.43(+. 8,977.19) 28 Team 2ch ...26,368.21 .8,180,157.49(+30,027.69) 29 Duke University .25,699.56 .7,838,126.72(+38,499.90)
# チーム名 RAC 総功績 .(⊿) 25 BOINC.Italy .29,374.08 10,338,717.35(+48,364.18) 26 Electronic Sports League (ESL) 30,803.32 .8,573,044.25(+30,553.27) 27 The Knights Who Say Ni! ..7,452.65 .8,227,914.96(+. 4,610.52) 28 Team 2ch ...27,825.71 .8,221,781.33(+41,623.84) 29 Duke University .26,313.28 .7,879,093.51(+40,966.78)