>>483 Altogether, the optimizations generate results that are bit-identical to the original HCC software, with an average 54% reduction in run-time. 要するに、この最適化は平均54%少ない実行時間で、元のHCCプログラムとビットレベルで同一な結果を生成する。
質問です。 versionは 6.10.24で "Requesting new tasks for GPU" となるのを "Requesting new tasks for CPU and GPU" もしくは "Requesting new tasks for CPU" に変更する設定箇所はありますか?
"Resource share" (If you participate in multiple BOINC projects, this is the proportion of your resources used by mopac@home) 100
"Is it OK for mopac@home and your team (if any) to email you? " yes
"Should mopac@home show your computers on its web site?" yes
"Default computer location" home
"Maximum CPU % for graphics 0 ... 100" 0
"Use Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) if available" no
2010/04/06 19:20:38 mopac7 update requested by user 2010/04/06 19:20:40 mopac7 Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. 2010/04/06 19:20:40 mopac7 Requesting new tasks for GPU 2010/04/06 19:20:45 mopac7 Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks 2010/04/06 19:20:45 mopac7 Message from server: (Project has no jobs available)
FreeHAL、anansi は一発でCPUのWUを取ってきます。 例に取ると WCG、Docking@home はGPU向けのWUはないですよね? CPUのWUを必要としているにもかかわらず "Requesting new tasks for GPU" となって "Requesting new tasks for CPU"とならないのが疑問です。