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【Team 2ch】分散コンピューティング総合298【UD→BOINC】

69 :名無しさん?:2011/03/24(木) 00:43:31.69 ID:K9GIOqFY
Marie-Sophie Germain was born on April 1, 1776, in Paris, France.

Later work was finally submitted under her own name and on 8 January 1816,
she became the first woman to win a prize from the Paris Academy of Sciences.
後期の功績は自分の名前で発表したが、1816/1/8 Paris Academy of Sciencesから女性で初めて賞を受けた

While some consider her work lacking in rigor, almost all agree that
it was from the lack of a formal education that was denied to her based on her gender.

The modern view generally acknowledges that although Sophie had great talent as a mathematician,
her haphazard education had left her without the strong base she needed to truly excel.

Louis Bucciarelli and Nancy Dworsky, Germain's biographers summerize as follows:
“All the evidence argues that Sophie Germain had a mathematical brilliance that never reached fruition
due to a lack of rigorous training available only to men."(Wiki)
Sophie Germainに数学の素晴らしい才能があったことはすべての証言が証明している

What better way to pay tribute to Sophie Germain than to find a prime with her namesake.
Sophie Germainへの敬意を表するのに、彼女の名前を受け継いだ素数を見つけること以上の方法はないだろう

Finding a World Record Sophie Germain prime would be incredible and even more amazing
if it was found during the Challenge. :) Hey, it's possible.
Sophie Germain素数の世界記録の発見は素晴らしいことで、
それがチャレンジの間に見つかるなら最高だろう :) 回そうぜ

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