入口 We want to learn about who you are and your experience with World Community Grid. 君自身や君のWCGでの経験について調べてみようと思っている All the data collected will be used to help make recommendations for improvements to World Community Grid. 集めた情報はWCGの改善の参考に使うんだ Your answers will be held in strictest confidence and no personal information will be shared. 回答は最重要機密として取り扱うし、個人情報を共有することはないよ If English is not your first language, a translation tool may aid in understanding the survey questions. 英語が母国語じゃないなら、設問の理解には検索ツールでも使ってね Try Google Translate (link resides outside of survey) or a similar tool if you need translation help. 翻訳が必要ならぐーぐる翻訳か何か使ってね Thank you for your time and input! 貴重な時間を割いてくれてありがと --- 1. What software, if any, do you use to contribute to World Community Grid? もしあればだけどWCGに貢献するのに何かソフトウェア使ってる? ・I installed the software from the World Community Grid website WCGサイトから取ってきたソフトウェア使ってるよ ・I installed the software from the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) website BOINCサイトから取ってきたソフトウェア使ってるよ ・I use software I obtained from another location 他から取ってきたソフトウェア使ってるよ ・I don't use any software for World Community Grid WCGのソフトウェアは何も使ってないよ ・I don't know 知らない 2. Was the World Community Grid software pre-installed on your device? WCGのソフトウェアはインストールされてたの? 3. Have you contributed to World Community Grid in the past 30 days? 過去30日以内に何らかの貢献した?
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4. I am (or was) participating in World Community Grid as a: (Check all that apply) WCGには以下の立場で参加してるよ(チェック入れたの全部ね) ・Individual contributor 個人 ・Member of a team チームの一員 ・My organization is a World Community Grid partner 所属組織がWCGパートナー ・IBM employee IBMで働いてる ・None of the above どれでもない 5. How long have you been contributing to World Community Grid? WCGへの貢献はどれくらい? ・Less than a month 1か月以下 ・Between 1 - 6 months 1か月~半年 ・Between 7 - 12 months 半年超~1年 ・1 - 5 years 1年超~5年 ・More than 5 years 5年超 ・I am no longer a member of World Community Grid WCGメンバーはやめたんだ ・I don't know 知らない 6. How easy or difficult were each of the following steps to complete when joining World Community Grid? WCGへの参加手続に関してだけど下の問いについてどれくらい簡単/難しかった? 選択肢 ・Very Difficult ・Somewhat Difficult ・Somewhat Easy ・Very Easy ・I do not recall completing this step ・I did not reach this step ・超難しかった ・ちょっと難しかったね ・ちょっと簡単だったね ・超簡単 ・思い出せないや ・これにはタッチしてない 問 ・Registering for World Community Grid WCGの登録 ・Selecting Projects プロジェクト選択 ・Downloading World Community Grid Software WCGソフトウェアのダウンロード ・Installing World Community Grid Software WCGソフトウェアのインスコ
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7. If you answered somewhat or very difficult for any of the steps, please explain. (Optional) 上で超難しかった、ちょっと難しかったね、を選んだものがあったら説明してくれないか 8. Before joining World Community Grid, what source(s) referred you to the software and/or community? WCGに参加するときどこから来たの? 9. If you can recall, please list the web forum and/or website where you learned of World Community Grid. 思い出せればでいいけどWCGについて参考にしたサイトとかあったら教えて 10. What were your reason(s) for joining World Community Grid? (Choose up to 3) WCGに参加した理由は? (3つまでね) ・I wanted to support (a) particular research initiative(s) 支援したい研究があったから ・I wanted to support scientific research generally 科学全般を支援したいから ・I wanted to participate in volunteer/distributed computing efforts 分散コンryに参加したかった ・I felt it was a good way to make a difference 俺は奴らとは違うんだよ ・I wanted to join a team effort 参加したいチームがあった ・My employer / university encouraged me to join 上司とか学校がやれやれうるさくて ・I wanted to put my unused computer power to good use 使ってないコンピュータ資源活かせたらいいよね ・I enjoy the competitive aspects of participating 競争に参加するの楽しいじゃん (e.g. competing in team challenges, rankings, etc) (チームチャレンジとかランキングとか) ・I enjoy earning points for my contribution 貢献でポイント貰えるのが楽しい ・The points system is better than on other grids ポイントシステムが他よりいいと思った ・I wanted to collect the badges バッチ集めたい ・I felt the badges were more attainable ポイント貯めるのが他のより楽かなって than on other grid computing programs
・Other (please specify) 他(下の欄に書いてね) 11. Which research initiative(s) did you want to support? (Optional) どの研究をサポートしたい? 12. When did you last return a result using the World Community Grid software? 最後にWCGソフトウェアの結果返したのはいつ? ・I am no longer running the World Community Grid software WCGソフトウェアの実行はやめたんだ ・Within the last day 1日以内 ・Within the last week 1週間以内 ・Between a week ago and a month ago 1週間超~1か月以内 ・1 - 3 months ago 1か月超~3か月以内 ・Longer than 3 months ago 3か月以上前 ・I don't know what it means to "return a result" 結果返すとか意味わかんねーよ ・I don't know when I returned my last result いつ返したか知らない 13. Which research projects are you currently supporting? (Check all that apply) いまどの研究サポートしてる?
14. Are there additional research topics that you would like to see supported by World Community Grid (including topics from previous research projects which have completed running on World Community Grid)?
15. What aspects of World Community Grid motivates you to contribute to projects? What aspects of World Community Grid do you value most? (Choose up to 3) What aspects of World Community Grid motivates you to contribute to projects? What aspects of World Community Grid do you value most? (Choose up to 3) Assisting the research community Contributing computing resources to a specific research area Learning about the work being done in a specific research area Raising awareness of a specific research area Participating in forums Competing with other users from around the world by earning points, following statistics, collecting badges, competing in team challenges, etc. Being a part of a team effort Referring others to the World Community Grid Sharing my World Community Grid statistics and accomplishments with friends and family Putting my unused computer power to good use Other (please specify)
16. How much total run time have you contributed? 1 - 30 days 1 - 3 months 4 months - 1 year 1 year - 10 years Greater than 10 years None I don’t know I don’t know what run time is
17. How often do you access the World Community Grid website? How often do you access the World Community Grid website? Daily Weekly Monthly Bi-monthly Yearly Never
18. How often have you used the following research and information tools on the World Community Grid website? I haven’t heard of it I’ve heard of it but haven’t used it I have accessed it once or twice I use it once in a while I use it regularly
19. How often have you used the following statistics and community tools on the World Community Grid website?
20. Are there any website features / tools that you have searched for but could not find?
21. Please rate how you liked using the following research and information tools on the World Community Grid website. If you have not used the features / tools, please select "Not Applicable / Have not used." It was not useful to me It was below expectations It met my expectations It was above expectations Not Applicable / Have not used
22. Please rate how you liked using the following statistics and community tools on the World Community Grid website. If you have not used the features / tools, please select "Not Applicable / Have not used."
23. How do you use the World Community Grid screensaver? (Check all that apply) How do you use the World Community Grid screensaver? (Check all that apply) I use it as a way to learn about the research I’m contributing to I have it enabled but do not pay attention to it I have it enabled but do not feel the information presented is relevant to me I have it enabled but do not like how it looks I disabled it I would like to disable it but don’t know how I haven't seen it I am not aware of it
24. What would increase your interest in World Community Grid? (Check all that apply) What would increase your interest in World Community Grid? (Check all that apply) More research projects that interest me More opportunities to learn about the science behind the research projects Simpler, less technical explanations of the science behind the research projects More technical explanations of the science behind the research projects Easier to use software Easier to use website A volunteer community space (e.g. forums, social media, etc) that is more accessible to a new or more casual volunteer More active World Community Grid forum community More active community on social media Better understanding of the impact of my contribution Better understanding of World Community Grid's achievements in advancing research projects Better recognition for my contribution Better recognition for recruiting other volunteers More or easier to use tools for recruiting other volunteers Nothing can be done to increase my involvement I don’t know Other (please specify)
25. Please provide any explanation or comments on your answer(s) for increasing your interest in World Community Grid. (Optional)
26. If you know of websites or forums that actively discuss World Community Grid outside of the official World Community Grid website and forums, please list. (Optional)
27. Have you shared World Community Grid related news / stories / experiences on any social networking site?
28. Why do you choose not to share World Community Grid related news / stories / experiences? (Check all that apply) Why do you choose not to share World Community Grid related news / stories / experiences? (Check all that apply) I hadn't considered sharing before, but I am open to it The content isn't easy to share through social media The content is not relevant to non-volunteers I do not share information on social networking sites Other (please specify)
29. Have you promoted World Community Grid to family or friends?
30. Why did you choose not to promote World Community Grid to family and friends? I hadn't considered promoting before, but I am open to it I do not think they will be interested I do not have relevant information/materials to share with them about the program Other (please specify)
31. How can we support sharing of World Community Grid with your friends and family? Easier sharing process Provide me more information/materials about the program to send to them I am not interested in sharing Other (please specify)
32. Have you contributed to other distributed/volunteer computing communities?
33. Please list the other volunteer computing project(s) you are contributing to. (Optional)
34. Why do you contribute to other distributed/volunteer computing communities? (Check all that apply) 他の分散ryコミュryに参加した理由は?(チェック入れたの全部ね) Participating in forums フォーラム参加 Collecting badges バッチくれくれ Earning points ポイントくれくれ Following rankings and statistics ランキングとか統計 Contributing to the research community in general 研究コミュryに貢献したかっただけさ Contributing to a specific research area 特定の研究エリアに貢献したかったの Learning about the work being done in a specific research area 特定の研究エリアでどんな感じで進むのか知りたくて Being a part of a team effort チームの成果につなげてドヤ顔したい Supporting a cause my university / employer 学校/会社がそゆ運動してていっちょやったるかって is interested in Volunteering in general I don’t know 知らない Other (please specify) 他(下の欄に書いてね)
35. Are there any aspects of the software or community that you prefer over World Community Grid's? If so, please explain. (Optional) ソフトウェア/コミュryで何かWCGより気に入ってる部分ある?あったら説明してくれると嬉しい 36. How did you hear about the other volunteer computing project(s) you contribute to? (Check all that apply) 他の貢献してる分散ryについてだけど何て聞いてる? 37. Do you participate in any online volunteer crowd-sourcing websites (e.g. Galaxy Zoo, FoldIt, etc.)?
38. How often do you visit the following social networks?
39. Have you accessed the World Community Grid Facebook page? Have you accessed the World Community Grid Facebook page? Yes, I have looked at it. Yes, I “Liked” World Community Grid on Facebook No I don’t use Facebook