As for the HCC ending... in 6 days the number will be frozen at 31 till an official update is made. Read posts by cubes or any of the techs, often Viktors.
Based on current estimates, there is now approximately 25 days of new work remaining for the Help Conquer Cancer project. 現時点での見積もりでは、HCCプロジェクトのタスクの残りは約25日分
Once all new work has been sent out for the project, only resend work units will be available (work units not previously computed correctly or on time). 一旦送りきったら残りは計算し直しの分(計算ミスとか期限までに返却されなかった分)だけになる
The launch of GPU processing has significantly accelerated the completion of this research and as a result, Help Conquer Cancer will complete over 2 1/2 years sooner than would be possible otherwise. GPUの活用によって研究が笑えるほど進んで、HCCはそれ無しの場合と比べて2年半早くなった
We are also looking at our future projects to see if they could benefit from GPU processing as well. 未来のプロジェクトで同じようにGPU活用できるものがあるか調査中だ