Under the leadership of Dr. Graham Richards, Director of NFCR Center for Computational Drug Discovery (NFCR-CCDD) at the University of Oxford, the Screensaver-Lifesaver Program has made a significant impact in discovering novel anticancer drugs. The virtual supercomputer has generated thousands of lead molecules and promising anticancer drug candidates from screening 3.5 billion chemical compounds against 14 major cancer related protein targets. Many lead compounds are being synthesized and tested for their anticancer effects, investigated and optimized by a cross-disciplinary team at the NFCR-CCDD, and utilized by scientists of other institutes for new anticancer drug development.
2007/04/28 21:37:44|Project TANPAKU|Message from server: No work sent 2007/04/28 21:37:44|Project TANPAKU|Message from server: (there was work but you don't have enough disk space allocated) 2007/04/28 21:37:44|Project TANPAKU|Message from server: No disk space (YOU must free 189.6 MB before BOINC gets space). Review preferences for minimum disk free space allowed.
こんなメッセージが出てTANPAKUのタスクが来ません。 ディスクの空き容量は296MBで、BOINC ManagerのPreferencesでは、 Use no more than : 200MB of disk space にしています。何がいけないのでしょうか??
レスありがとうございます。 あれからがんばって空きを296MB→385MBにしてみました。 また、Use no more than : 100MB of disk space に変更してみたのですが結果としてはダメでした。
2007/04/28 22:49:10|Project TANPAKU|Message from server: No disk space (YOU must free 96.3 MB before BOINC gets space). Review preferences for minimum disk free space allowed.
BOINC導入するが、ノートであんまりCPU早くないし、 毎日5時間くらいしかPC動かさない(保存モードで終了してるけど)から、 システム要件が低いゲノム比較↓ For the Genome Comparison project, the minimum requirements are: At least a 160MHz Intel Pentium? processor or equivalent にしようと思うんだけど、これと同等かこれ以下のシステム要件のプロジェクトってある?
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