>>41,43 色々やってみて原因判明した >Message from server: No disk space (YOU must free 379.4 MB before BOINC gets space). Review preferences for minimum disk free space allowed.
>April 2006 >We have updated much of the code, but are now in the midst of dealing with staff turnover >in the BOINC part of the development team, which has slowed development.
自分の環境はサービスモードでBOINCを入れたので、boincmgrのオマケでついてくるboinccmdを使って boinccmd --set_run_mode never で処理中断(冷却開始) boinccmd --set_run_mode auto で処理開始(処理開始) しようと思ってました。
We are Team-2ch. We became 1st place in the UD that ended some time ago. Our member has moved to BOINC when cooperating in everybody by the UD end. We do special statistics (Name@subteam), and want to acquire our data from Boincstat for the data.
Data that is necessary ・Data of classification by countries ・Member information on Team2ch (project, name, and statistics)
We will for your information teach the site that moves by hand-operated. (^^)
We are the Team-2ch and had been first-rank-team in the United Device(UD). But,The UD was end.So some menbers imigranted WGC and TANPAKU in BOINC.
We had made Dairy Reports ,which were separated by subteams, when we participate in the UD. So after imigrant,we continued to make same Daily reports.
We know we can check Dairy Reports,which were separated by subteam,by individual pages. But this way to check reports makes report-maker great work. So we want to get the special statistics (Name@subteam) in order to check by BOINCstatus.
Please give us folloing data.(以下未修正) ・Data classified by countries ・Member information on Team2ch (project, name, and statistics)
We will for your information teach the site that moves by hand-operated. (^^)