Nuevo proyecto para World Community Grid, llamado AfricanClimate@home. Solo funciona en Boinc, y de momento, solo en Linux
Los requisitos:
For AfricanClimate@Home, the minimum requirements are: At least 256 MB RAM (with virtual memory enabled) 1 GB Hard Disk Drive space available for use The ability to display 8-bit graphics at 800x600 resolution An Internet connection with minimum 756 kbps speed Operating System: Linux Parece que la version de windows esta en beta por lo que he leido en foros. Para los que tengais boinc sobre linux, teneis que activar dicho proyecto en vuestro perfil
>>314 HPF2の倍くらいならいけるかな。 >>320 自分もそう思ったんだけど、他のは 600 MB Hard Disk Drive with at least 50 MB available for use (テング熱、FightAIDS) とか書かれたから。 とりあえず1GBに設定変えて試してみるよ。
[file_xfer] Started download of file ach1_1__VEGPARM_01.TBL [file_xfer] Temporarily failed download of ach1_1__VEGPARM_01.TBL: file not found Backing off 1 min 0 sec on download of file ach1_1__VEGPARM_01.TBL [file_xfer] Started download of file ach1_1__SOILPARM_01.TBL [file_xfer] Temporarily failed download of ach1_1__SOILPARM_01.TBL: file not found Backing off 1 min 0 sec on download of file ach1_1__SOILPARM_01.TBL [file_xfer] Started download of file ach1_1__namelist.input [file_xfer] Temporarily failed download of ach1_1__namelist.input: file not found Backing off 1 min 0 sec on download of file ach1_1__namelist.input [file_xfer] Started download of file ach1_1__wrfbdy_d01 [file_xfer] Started download of file ach1_1__wrfinput_d01 [file_xfer] Temporarily failed download of ach1_1__wrfbdy_d01: file not found Backing off 1 min 0 sec on download of file ach1_1__wrfbdy_d01 [file_xfer] Temporarily failed download of ach1_1__wrfinput_d01: file not found Backing off 1 min 0 sec on download of file ach1_1__wrfinput_d01 [file_xfer] Started download of file ach1_1__wrflowinp_d01 [file_xfer] Temporarily failed download of ach1_1__wrflowinp_d01: file not found Backing off 1 min 0 sec on download of file ach1_1__wrflowinp_d01
が延々続いてた。(罰金時間はリトライ毎に増加してた) file not found って…orz 向こうが指定したファイル落そうとしてるのに、なんで?
最近の平均功績(credits/day)6位 2,539.12 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 20位 Czech National Team 296,475.30 Czech Republic 21位 Team 2ch 241,930.65→273,462.79 Japan ↑ 22位 Crunching Family 253,621.68→253,957.67 International ↓ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ XtremLab ___ /´∀` \ <ニュース 「31/08/2007 14時00分Euro Par 2007会議」誰か訳してくださいお。何か発表?
>>349 EuroPar 2007 conference On thursday, Derrick will present some results obtained with your hard work at the EuroPar'07 conference. This work will be presented in the best papers session of the conference:
Characterizing Error Rates in Internet Desktop Grids Derrick Kondo, Filipe Araujo, Paul Malecot, Patricio Domingues, Luis Moura Silva, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello To appear in Euro-Par 2007, Best Paper Award
See also, this work in collaboration with D. Anderson: Performance Evaluation of Scheduling Policies for Volunteer Computing Derrick Kondo, David P. Anderson, John McLeod VII
超意訳(たぶん変、訂正ヨロ) 2007/08/31 14:00 第13回 EuroPar 2007カンファレンス(仏・レンヌ 8/28-31) European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing 並列分散コンピューティング ヨーロッパ学会
>>475,481,482 エラーって最終結果もエラーで無効になるの? うちのOC機では例えば Task dddt0101a0032_ZINC04132272-0000_00_1 exited with zero status but no 'finished' file If this happens repeatedly you may need to reset the project. Restarting task dddt0101a0032_ZINC04132272-0000_00_1 using dddt version 508 こんな感じのが頻繁に起こるけど放置しておけば最終的には解析終了して有効になるよ。 これとは違って、答えをWCG側に返したらエラーで無効(ポイント・リザルト無し)になるのかな?
The SUDOKU alpha test is officially started but all the workunits are already gone. I will generate new workunits tomorrow. SUDOKUアルファテストは公式に始まります、しかし、すべてのworkunitsはすでになくなります。私は、明日、新しいworkunitsを生み出します。
When is the Windows app expected to be installed on the server? いつ、Windowsアプリは、サーバー上にインストールされることになっていますか?
>>835 Well, it is a common phrase when somebody says or does a stupid thing or insult you. Rather a soft way of cursing. It means like this. "your face is already a big joke (funny face) so that's already enough. so don't tell me another stupid jokes anymore" lol