XtremLab project attended last week to The Third Pan-Galactic BOINC Workshop that have been held 5-6 September 2007 in Geneva, Switzerland. Various projects presented their current and planed activities. On the second day, David Anderson presented a progress report of the BOINC platform. Then, we discussed of the future of BOINC in 12 different Discussions topics and severals new ideas where proposed. Here is a photo of the conference:
>>267 どれどれ、うちのxtremLabは、って見てみたら真っ赤、何ですかコレは? resetも効果がないし、まあ2、3日すりゃ何か分かるかな XtremLab|Master file parse failed XtremLab|Master page has no schedulers XtremLab|Master page has no schedulers XtremLab|Deferring communication with project for 4 days, 9 hours, 56 minutes, and 13 seconds
>>267,270 ??? 俺んとこは問題なく宿題もらっては返してってやってるけど? XtremLab|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work XtremLab|Requesting 2 seconds of new work XtremLab|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 504] XtremLab|Deferring communication for 20 min 12 sec XtremLab|Reason: requested by project
XtremLab|Computation for task BRM1035125_0 finished XtremLab|[file_xfer] Started upload of file BRM1035125_0_0 XtremLab|[file_xfer] Finished upload of file BRM1035125_0_0 XtremLab|[file_xfer] Throughput 33154 bytes/sec
2007/09/15 22:48:23|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work 2007/09/15 22:48:23|World Community Grid|Requesting 179385 seconds of new work 2007/09/15 22:48:28|World Community Grid|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509] 2007/09/15 22:48:28|World Community Grid|Message from server: No work could be sent. 2007/09/15 22:48:28|World Community Grid|Message from server: No work is available for AfricanClimate@Home 2007/09/15 22:48:28|World Community Grid|Deferring communication for 1 min 0 sec だそうな
Project TANPAKU 2007/09/16 9:19:21 Message from server: No disk space (YOU must free 97776.0 MB before BOINC gets space). Review preferences for minimum disk free space allowed. まぢ?そんなにあけないといかんのか?
新規PCの追加が出来ないよ。 BOINCクライアント(5.8.15)の[ツール]-[Attach to project...]から プロジェクトのアドレス(http://xw01.lri.fr:4320/)入れて 既にアカウントありでメアドとパスワード入れてもFaildになってしまう。 orz メッセージはこんな感じ
2007/09/21 20:35:41|XtremLab|The web page at http://xw01.lri.fr:4320/ contains no BOINC information.It may not be the URL of a BOINC project.Please check the URL and try again.
エキサイト Era ..foolish.. so, and it is an anti-malaria medicine and the poor person of enough.. Tsne is. Mr. bedroom w concentrate on everyone's cancer research that your favorite malaria and Deng will start by Core in the end future and you are ww though you are regrettable.
OCN Stupid DARO seems great, by antimalaria, enough, DARO 常考 A poor person, a family, oh, but would you like! You're a family, w It's regrettable, but your favorite malaria and DENGU end by this Please concentrate on all cancer research which will start now, ww.
2007/09/23 7:02:38|World Community Grid|Fetching scheduler list 2007/09/23 7:02:43|World Community Grid|Master file download succeeded 2007/09/23 7:02:48|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user 2007/09/23 7:02:48|World Community Grid|Requesting 25920 seconds of new work 2007/09/23 7:02:58|World Community Grid|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509] 2007/09/23 7:02:58|World Community Grid|Message from server: Not sending work - last request too recent: 66 sec 2007/09/23 7:02:58|World Community Grid|Deferring communication for 2 min 1 sec 2007/09/23 7:02:58|World Community Grid|Reason: requested by project 2007/09/23 7:05:04|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work 2007/09/23 7:05:04|World Community Grid|Requesting 25920 seconds of new work 2007/09/23 7:05:14|World Community Grid|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509] 2007/09/23 7:05:14|World Community Grid|Message from server: No work could be sent. 2007/09/23 7:05:14|World Community Grid|Message from server: Your preferences limit memory usage to 76.72MB, and a job requires 95.37MB 2007/09/23 7:05:14|World Community Grid|Message from server: Your preferences limit memory usage to 76.72MB, and a job requires 95.37MB 2007/09/23 7:05:14|World Community Grid|Message from server: Your preferences limit memory usage to 76.72MB, and a job requires 190.73MB 2007/09/23 7:05:14|World Community Grid|Message from server: Your preferences limit memory usage to 76.72MB, and a job requires 476.84MB 2007/09/23 7:05:14|World Community Grid|Deferring communication for 1 hr 0 min 0 sec 2007/09/23 7:05:14|World Community Grid|Reason: requested by project
2007/09/23 16:57:10|World Community Grid|Message from server: No work could be sent. 2007/09/23 16:57:10|World Community Grid|Message from server: No work is available for AfricanClimate@Home 2007/09/23 16:57:10|World Community Grid|Message from server: No work is available for FightAIDS@Home 2007/09/23 16:57:10|World Community Grid|Message from server: No work is available for Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 2007/09/23 16:57:10|World Community Grid|Message from server: (reached daily quota of 8 results)
Whenever a there is an error of any kind with a Work Unit the Daily Result Quota for that Host will decrease by one. When a Work Unit is returned successfully the Daily Result Quota will double until it reaches the Project's maximum.
>>680 2007/09/24 22:01:49|XtremLab|Fetching scheduler list 2007/09/24 22:01:54|XtremLab|Deferring communication for 1 days 0 hr 0 min 0 sec 2007/09/24 22:01:54|XtremLab|Reason: 8 consecutive failures fetching scheduler list ってメッセージが出て、自分は宿題もらえないです。
>>825 FAQによると > The AfricanClimate@Home downloaded work unit size is anticipated to be approximately 77MB, which means it is approximately 150 times larger than a typical FightAIDS@Home or HPF2 work unit. AfricanClimateはネットワーク帯域の負担が、WUあたりで並みのプロジェクトの150倍 回線の負荷の効率化が一番の狙いじゃないかな。 数台のハード程度は寄贈を募れば、 IBM社員からでも何とかしてくれそうだけど、 回線のコストアップは日々かさんでいく訳で
WCGで昨日からエラーで宿題提出と取得ができない状態が続いてました。 ↓の繰り返し。 2003/01/01 15:58:37|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work 2003/01/01 15:58:37|World Community Grid|Requesting 24218 seconds of new work 2003/01/01 15:58:39||Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site 2003/01/01 15:58:40||Access to reference site succeeded - project servers may be temporarily down. 2003/01/01 15:58:43|World Community Grid|Scheduler request failed: peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates 2003/01/01 15:58:43|World Community Grid|Deferring communication for 1 min 33 sec 2003/01/01 15:58:43|World Community Grid|Reason: scheduler request failed