Home base shall be marked by a five-sided slab of whitened rubber. It shall be a 17-inch square with two of the corners removed so that one edge is 17 inches long, two adjacent sides are 8? inches and the remaining two sides are 12 inches and set at an angle to make a point.
2008.06.22-06.29 10:27:19UTC ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 順位 チーム名 平均功績/日 総功績(⊿/週) 国 12位 USA 20人 49 7403(+276) USA 13位 Hungary 2人 7. 6759(+38) Hungary 14位 Team 2ch 38人(+0) 105. 6631(+659) Japan 15位 BOINC@Poland. 29人 29. 6330(+150) Poland 16位 The Final Front Ear 8人 9 5243(+30) International ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Team 2chも上位に食い込んできており、どのチームも活発なため、一週間に一つ順位が上がる状況です。 宿題そのものの解析時間は数分と短く、エラーの出ない宿題の奪い合いであるため、PCの処理能力よりも数が功績増加に大きく影響します。 雑食ついでにBOINCの片隅に入れておいてもいいよ、と思うお方は気軽に参加してみてください。 このプロジェクトの目的は、水から水素を作るバクテリアなどの、たんぱく質や基質などを解析することで、効率の良い水素製造法を構築することです。
The UIB Relativity group is a well established group supported by research grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology and the local Government of the Balearic Islands. The group has also been involved in several EU and other international research networks. The research of the group covers different fields of gravity and relativity: symmetries in general relativity, exact solutions, numerical relativity; and gravitational wave data analysis. The senior group members have supervised several Ph.D. students, most of them being now well established researchers.
2008-06-28: Superlink@Technion - Credits Thanks to our latest discussion about credits, we decided to grant 20% more credits for all the successfully (and timely) crunched results
2008-06-25: RieselSieve - Project News June 25 Over the past few weeks, we've had a number of database related issues, partly due to higher loads, partly due to software crashes, and others partly due to Bryan not being around to watch the DB. Thankfully, Bryan is back to monitor things, and has slimmed the DB from 2.2GB to 942Mb as of this evening. This alone helps immensely in response times from the server & preventing the load backlogs that were occurring on a daily basis. For example, the DB optimization has dropped from ~35 mins to about 8 mins as of this evening. On a second note, we have found our 31st prime at the Riesel Sieve project. The prime, weighing in at 1,086,531 digits, is the largest prime we have found at Riesel Sieve, and the 17th largest in the world. While it was not found by BOINC (LLRNet won out yet again), BOINC's nearly 495,000 factors have played a huge role in getting us this far. Our hope is that there is a prime between the two that LLRNet has found, which BOINC is testing the range. A new DAT release will occur Wednesday or Thursday for BOINC clients; it is available for 'traditional' sieve clients through the download page. We will be transitioning soon to the 'standard' BOINC server setup, although that is at least a week away. More details will follow.