2009年4月29日〜2009年4月30日のデータ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Rank. TeamName. 総功績. (増分). 平均功績(増分) 国名 ──────────────────────────────────────── 34位 (→) Team-SciFi 7,108,518.62(+6156). 6,152.03( −9) International 35位 (→) Bohemians 1905. 6,970,834.24(+1683). 1,566.55(. +15) Czech Republic 36位 (→) BOINC.SK 6,658,246.68(+7380). 8,018.05(. +13) Slovakia 37位 (→) Russia Team 6,334,318.95(+7071) 12,913.10(−590) Russia 38位 (→) Team 2ch 5,904,080.54(+8366). 7,812.21(. +50) Japan 39位 (→) The Scottish Boinc Team 5,784,466.89(+1230). 819.59(. +50) United Kingdom 40位 (→) Universe Examiners.. 5,520,419.86(. +606). 2,412.14(−191) Finland 41位 (→) The Knights Who Say Ni! 4,739,946.08(+7497). 4,434.41(+272) United States 42位 (→) What's In Your Box?. 4,507,315.15(. +163). 263.29( −6) United States ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
2009年5月01日〜2009年5月02日のデータ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Rank. TeamName. 総功績. (増分). 平均功績(増分) 国名 ──────────────────────────────────────── 34位 (→) Team-SciFi 7,119,237.97(+5668). 6,059.57(. −13) International 35位 (→) Bohemians 1905. 6,970,834.24(. ±0). 1,566.55( ±0) Czech Republic 36位 (→) BOINC.SK 6,674,017.09(+7362). 7,932.90(. −66) Slovakia 37位 (→) Russia Team 6,340,577.02(+3363) 11,175.38(−792) Russia 38位 (→) Team 2ch 5,919,110.71(+8345). 7,839.82(+125) Japan 39位 (→) The Scottish Boinc Team 5,786,203.37(. +329). 823.92(. −49) United Kingdom 40位 (→) Universe Examiners.. 5,524,505.13(. +136). 2,500.31( −3) Finland 41位 (→) The Knights Who Say Ni! 4,745,253.56(+1716). 4,189.35(−175) United States 42位 (→) What's In Your Box?. 4,507,643.71(. +329). 245.92(. −17) United States ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>Request foundership of Team 2ch > >If the team founder is not active and you want to assume the role of founder, click the button below. >The current founder will be sent an email detailing your request, and will be given an option to transfer foundership to you or to decline your request. >If the founder does not respond in 60 days, you will be given an option to become the founder. > >Are you sure you want to request foundership?[y/n] Climatepredictionは60日応答なかったらターンオーバー成立みたいですね。
Help Conquer Cancer│ 26.95%│78.67TFLOPS Help Fight Childhood Cancer│ 7.56%│40.89TFLOPS Discovering dengue Drugs - Together│ 65.68%│24.94TFLOPS Nutritious Rice for the World│ 72.71%│13.54TFLOPS FightAIDS@Home│ 56.68%│52.30TFLOPS Human Proteome Folding, Phase 2│ 52.08%│43.92TFLOPS The Clean Energy Project│ 21.16%│11.87TFLOPS
>>171 「もしも直前何分間かのマウスとキーボードの動きがなかった場合、解析をサスペンドするよ」ってBOINCの項目に「0」以外(30)とか入ってるのでは? Suspend work if no mouse/keyboard activity in last (Needed to enter low-power mode on some computers)という設定項目があります。
2009/05/13 21:18:22 World Community Grid Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. 2009/05/13 21:18:22 World Community Grid Reporting 1 completed tasks, not requesting new tasks 2009/05/13 21:18:27 World Community Grid Scheduler request failed: SSL connect error
>>757 やってみましたが変化なし 更新ボタンをクリックするとこんなメッセージが出てとまります 2009/05/15 7:21:07|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user 2009/05/15 7:21:07|World Community Grid|(not requesting new work or reporting completed tasks) 2009/05/15 7:21:12|World Community Grid|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 601] 2009/05/15 7:21:12|World Community Grid|Deferring communication for 11 sec 2009/05/15 7:21:12|World Community Grid|Reason: requested by project