>>35 あっ、そうなんだ。 Suspend work if CPU usage is above ってとこ? いじってないや。見たら25%になってる。 最近なんか調子悪くて。 MilkyWayが何日もかかったあげく計算エラーでたり orz その後宿題落ちてこないし。 低スペPCで、専用機にしてないのがいけないんだろうけど。
Message 26803 - Posted 5 Oct 2010 18:23:56 UTC 2010/10/13が近づいてきた This will be the last insertion date for PSP/SoB (Sieve) before it is suspended. この日がPSP/SoB (Sieve) が終わるまでの最後の追加になる予定 Until then, the queue will be kept full for anyone wishing to complete their last effort on this project. それまでは、このプロジェクトの最後に気合い入れたい人のためにいっぱい用意してるよ
This is a major accomplishment for both the Prime Sierpinski Problem and the Seventeen or Bust projects. これは Prime Sierpinski Problem と Seventeen or Bust プロジェクト双方の大きな成果となります。 For more information, please see this forum thread. さらなる情報については>>47
The official classification of this will be a suspension and not a termination. Should "improved" sieving methods come up in the future, this sieve will be reviewed for continuation.
> Hi, > > OK, I understand. > Could you help us by relaying my message on your BBS? > Team2ch is a major team and we need your opinion in the Formula Boinc steering comitee. > What we need is two members of Team2ch who will be the "voice" of Team2ch. > We hardly know you because of the language barrier but we are definitely intersted in your opinion. > >Thanks for your help, > >Best regards >BHS
寄せ集めのチームだからリーダーみたいな者は存在しない we're just a pickup team, there's no "leader" or something like that. そんなわけだから、意見を聞きたいなら because of this, if you need our opinion, 質問を一旦持ち帰って話し合った上で返答することは出来る we have to bring your question back, we discuss about it, then we can show our opinion.
> Hi, > > I understand. Thanks for relaying. > The 2 persons from your team will just have to do exactly > what you said: bring the questions from the steering comitee back to your BBS, > you discuss about them on your BBS, then your two members bring back your team opinion to the steering comitee. > > As simple as this. > > Regards, > Black Hole Sun
>>191そのまま訳してみた。訳の訳もつけた free to join/leave. anytime, anyone can join, anyone can leave 出入り自由 いつでもだれでも入れるし抜けれる free to perform. people are from beginner who does only one hour per a day やるのも自由 to junky who does 24h/365days, even more *n PCs 1日1時間のビギナーから常時稼働、さらには複数台使う廃人までいる no close horizontal relationship. loooooooooooooooosely coordination. 横の連携全くなし ゆるゆるのつながり we don't know why but in a festival, people will be united 理由とかよくわかんないけど祭りなるとつながってくるる come everything, English, German, programming, etc. なんでもこい英語ドイツ語グラ民具などなど not healthy! but our contribution to WCG is NO.1 in the world!!!!!!!!!! 健康じゃないよ! でもWCGへの貢献は世界NO.1だぜ!!!!!!!!
> Formula-Boinc is an alternative Boinc competition initiated by l'Alliance Francophone a few years ago. > The goal of this competition is to emphasize team efforts on crunching several projects, > not only those that grant most credits. > The system works like Formula One Championship with points granted to team ranks. > It is resetted every year in order to give chances to smaller teams. > See there: > http://formula-boinc.org/index.py?lang=en > > At the moment, there is no translation in Japanese, but we can introduce a japanese translation of the whole site > if someone in your team can provide us with it (like we did for the chinese translation and other languages). > > We need two members of your team to hear Team2ch voice at the steering committee. > Two persons since they can easily share the work to be done (there is not a lot to do): > it is above all a question of having at least one available person per team when needed. > We all know that no-one can be always available so having 2 persons makes it easier > because they can share out between themselves.
>>413 We talked about the two menbers, but no candidate. We'll be not able to communicate in English because no-one is good at. So that, we can't arrange for two members of BOINC Formula and we sorry can't cooperation with you now.
>2010 is the Winter Solstice Challenge...come join us 18-21 December for 3 days on the Proth Prime Search (Sieve) application! As this year's only GPU application Challenge, it's sure to light the solstice fires!!!
Thank you for taking the time to contact us. We are unsure exactly what you are asking, but if you are asking how many cores may be used, you may use all of the cores on your computer.
ATI HD 5xxx o 950s (15:50) : HD 5870, XP 64bit o 1270s (21:10) : HD 5850 @825Mhz GPU, RAM @ 1000Mhz drivers 10.10, Windows 7 64 bits o 1480s (24:40) : HD 5850 (std clock, 1024MB), Win 7 x64, Q9450 @ 3.04GHz o 1989s (33:09) : HD 5770 (900/1200) driver: 10-11, Windows 7 Home x86 Edition - powered by E5200 3,4Ghz o 2075s (34:35) : HD 5770 on a i7-930, W7-64, 12G HD4xxx o 1800s (30:00) : HD 4870, XP 64bit o 3800-4100s (1:03:20 - 1:08:20) : HD 4770 o 7552s (2:05:52) : HD 4670 (standard clocks), Windows XP 32-bit, Athlon 64 x2 4200+ (socket 939)
CPU * 28000s (7:46:40) : Q9550 @ 3.4 GHz (4 cores) * 30800s (8:33:20) : Core2 Duo E8400 3.00GHz W7X64 * 37000s (10:16:40) : XEON X3323 2.5 GHz, Windows Server 2008 64-bit * 45500s (12:38:20) : X5650 (OC 3.52GHz, HT on - 12threads simultaneously), Win 7 x64 * 47000s (13:03:20) : Xeon E5320 1.86GHz Linux-x64 * 60120s (16:42:00) : i5 2.53GHz on Darwin 10.5.0 * 61433s (17:03:53) : Intel Core2 Duo T7300 @ 2.00GHz * 68183s (18:56:23) : Intel Core2 T5300 @ 1.73GHz * 202800s (56:20:00) : P4 2.8GHz on XP SP3 (32-bit) * 211556s (58:45:56) : AMD Sempron 3000+
2010年も終わりに近づいてきました。私たちは World Community Gridを成功させるための 一人ひとりそれぞれのメンバーの努力に感謝したいと思います。 研究を進めるため、そして人類を救うために提供された あなたの未使用のコンピュータサイクルは毎日の差を作り出しています! あなたは本当に思いやりがあります。そして素晴らしいコミュニティです!