Hello , my name is xxx. My PrimeGrid user ID is xxx. I had created an account of "top 5000 list of the largest known primes database" automatically by Primegrid about 1 year ago. My primes datebase ID is xxx. I want to create new proofcode and submit prime on the database by myself now. Therefore I need a password of account to do it. But I don’t know password. I think that you who created a my account may have known my password. If you know , please tell me my account password.
>>672 Hello , my name is xxx. My PrimeGrid user ID is xxx. My account "top 5000 list of the largest known primes database" had been created automatically by Primegrid about 1 year ago. My primes datebase ID is xxx. I'd like to create new proofcode and submit a prime on the database by myself. Therefore I need the password of primes database account but I don’t know. I think that you may have known my password. If you know, please tell me my password, or how the password is created.
The Prime Pages "change of password" email has been requested. Because you have selected "auto-reporting", PrimeGrid established the account on your behalf and registered your prime. A PrimeGrid email must be used to initialize the account with a Prime Pages generated password.
You are free to make any changes to your account as it is yours. It is recommended that you at least change the password and email so that future contacts from the Prime Pages will go to you. See below for password information.
CPUの使用率が安定しないので、Team 2ch Wikiを見て設定を100%にしてBESで絞ってるんだけど、 しょっちゅう途切れて100%使用に戻ってしまう 他の作業していてちょっと負荷がかかると CPU usage is too high となっていったん計算停止、再開の繰り返し 停止しちゃうとBESも標的を見失うんでこれじゃ絞っている意味が無いんだけど、何か設定で回避出来るの?
Last update: 2011 03 02 09:00:08 Rank Name Score 1 Sicituradastra. 368424.79 2 SETI.USA 362458.40 3 SETI.Germany 323975.16 4 Polish National Team 229109.51 5 Czech National Team 229109.51 6 JISATORA@W-ASCII 214491.84 7 Team 2ch 201365.78
Last update: 2011 03 02 09:15:11 Rank Name Score 1 Sicituradastra. 378567.66 2 SETI.USA 366634.88 3 SETI.Germany 335907.95 4 Polish National Team 233882.62 5 Czech National Team 232689.34 6 Team 2ch 219861.60 7 JISATORA@W-ASCII 216281.76