1 Sicituradastra. 39363167.00 2 Dutch Power Cows 28178189.00 3 SETI.Germany 21931726.00 4 Czech National Team 14572833.00 5 Team 2ch 14293040.00 6 BOINC@Taiwan 9246653.00 7 Keep The Fire Alive! 8103884.00 8 Russia 7729703.00 9 Ukraine 7625202.00 10 Team China 6522885.00
>If my computer can process work on my graphics card, then please send me work to run on >my graphics card for the projects that I have selected above. これにチェック付ける
ISGTW article "Desktop power helps map protein dance", by Zara Qadir In this International Science Grid This Week article, World Community Grid's Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy project is discussed - including what is being done with the current results. http://www.isgtw.org/feature/desktop-power-helps-map-protein-dance
SAT@home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to solve hard and practically important problems (discrete functions inversion problems, discrete optimization, bioinformatics, etc) that can be effectively reduced to Boolean satisfiability problem. At the moment we are solving the problem of search for orthogonal pairs of diagonal Latin squares of order 9 and 10. In the nearest future we hope to find the triple of mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order 10 or to prove the absence of such triples.
SAT@home 掲示板 http://sat.isa.ru/pdsat/forum_thread.php?id=2 Current goal in cryptographic area is to solve about 10 SAT problems for the generator A5/1 in few months. This generator is used in GSM standart for data encryption. Open scientific research of A5/1 is useful for creating new standarts.
World Community Grid | Scheduler request failed: Couldn't connect to server Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down
>>968からの続報 World Community Grid @WCGrid The cause of our outage has been identified and we are working on restoring service. We do not yet have an ETA. Thank you for your patience.