27. Have you shared World Community Grid related news / stories / experiences on any social networking site?
28. Why do you choose not to share World Community Grid related news / stories / experiences? (Check all that apply) Why do you choose not to share World Community Grid related news / stories / experiences? (Check all that apply) I hadn't considered sharing before, but I am open to it The content isn't easy to share through social media The content is not relevant to non-volunteers I do not share information on social networking sites Other (please specify)
29. Have you promoted World Community Grid to family or friends?
30. Why did you choose not to promote World Community Grid to family and friends? I hadn't considered promoting before, but I am open to it I do not think they will be interested I do not have relevant information/materials to share with them about the program Other (please specify)
31. How can we support sharing of World Community Grid with your friends and family? Easier sharing process Provide me more information/materials about the program to send to them I am not interested in sharing Other (please specify)
32. Have you contributed to other distributed/volunteer computing communities?
33. Please list the other volunteer computing project(s) you are contributing to. (Optional)
34. Why do you contribute to other distributed/volunteer computing communities? (Check all that apply) 他の分散ryコミュryに参加した理由は?(チェック入れたの全部ね) Participating in forums フォーラム参加 Collecting badges バッチくれくれ Earning points ポイントくれくれ Following rankings and statistics ランキングとか統計 Contributing to the research community in general 研究コミュryに貢献したかっただけさ Contributing to a specific research area 特定の研究エリアに貢献したかったの Learning about the work being done in a specific research area 特定の研究エリアでどんな感じで進むのか知りたくて Being a part of a team effort チームの成果につなげてドヤ顔したい Supporting a cause my university / employer 学校/会社がそゆ運動してていっちょやったるかって is interested in Volunteering in general I don’t know 知らない Other (please specify) 他(下の欄に書いてね)
35. Are there any aspects of the software or community that you prefer over World Community Grid's? If so, please explain. (Optional) ソフトウェア/コミュryで何かWCGより気に入ってる部分ある?あったら説明してくれると嬉しい 36. How did you hear about the other volunteer computing project(s) you contribute to? (Check all that apply) 他の貢献してる分散ryについてだけど何て聞いてる? 37. Do you participate in any online volunteer crowd-sourcing websites (e.g. Galaxy Zoo, FoldIt, etc.)?
38. How often do you visit the following social networks?
39. Have you accessed the World Community Grid Facebook page? Have you accessed the World Community Grid Facebook page? Yes, I have looked at it. Yes, I “Liked” World Community Grid on Facebook No I don’t use Facebook
BOINC 7.0.28 Windows 7 64 Bit GPU Gefore GTX660M nDivia 7.1.720.0
ログに 2013/03/15 7:00:26 | World Community Grid | プロジェクト・サーバからのメッセージ:: The Help Conquer Cancer NVIDIA GPU application cannot run on your graphics card と表示されます。
>>557 CPU を計算に使うかをはい、Nvidiaやatiはいいえ PPS(LLR)をCPU、ati・nvidiaや他のプロジェックトには一切チェック入れない Send work from any subproject if selected projects have no work は no これでだめならわかんね