51氏ではありませんがmacで動かしているのでここに張らせていただきますwikiの書き込み方がわかりません(-_-;) スペック CPU:PowerPCG4 1.33GHz メモリ:768 ベンチマークはこれでいいのでしょうか 5/22 22:08:45 2007|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work 5/22 22:08:45 2007|World Community Grid|Requesting 41 seconds of new work, and reporting 1 completed tasks
5/22 22:08:50 2007|World Community Grid|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509]
5/22 22:08:50 2007|World Community Grid|Deferring communication for 5 min 3 sec
轣ォ 5/22 22:08:41 2007|| Number of CPUs: 1 轣ォ 5/22 22:08:41 2007|| 675 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU 轣ォ 5/22 22:08:41 2007|| 2137 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
>>211 > それについて解説してるページとかわかる? ttps://secure.worldcommunitygrid.org/forums/wcg/viewthread?thread=11673 World Community Grid - View Thread - Human Proteome Folding Phase 2 - Released on BOINC on Windows >Each result will actually compute different data and this data will be validated on the backend (again, please read the thread above for details). 答え合わせは、参加者PC間ではなく、backendが確認するらしい。 そのため、参加者PCには別の宿題を割り振れるようだ。
ttp://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/forums/wcg/viewthread?thread=12136 World Community Grid - View Thread - Quorum of 20? 稼動実績をみて、 ・早く出した11PCの平均からPOINT算出(Feb 10, 2007 時点) ・早く出した15PCの平均からPOINT算出 に改良するとか、微調整はやってるみたい。 Minimum Quorum: 15 Initial Replication: 19 の15がPOINT算出用台数らしい。
5.9.12 Development version (MAY BE UNSTABLE - USE ONLY FOR TESTING) New features Grid based views. Advanced preferences dialog. Project list in the attach to project wizard. Improved Windows Vista compatibility.
2007/05/24 7:27:55|climateprediction.net|Requesting 45648 seconds of new work 2007/05/24 7:28:00|climateprediction.net|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509] 2007/05/24 7:28:00|climateprediction.net|You used the wrong URL for this project 2007/05/24 7:28:00|climateprediction.net|The correct URL is http://climateprediction.net/ 2007/05/24 7:28:00|climateprediction.net|Using the wrong URL can cause problems in some cases. 2007/05/24 7:28:00|climateprediction.net|When convenient, detach this project, then reattach to http://climateprediction.net/
のこり三週間合ったはずのCliが突然100%になってこんなメッセージが出てしまった。 windows updata したせいかな。
2007-05-23: World Community Grid - 6 Hour BOINC Outage starting at 1:00 UTC May 24, 2007 We are going to migrate the BOINC database from running on a 4GB two processor system running MySQL 4.1 to a new server with 8GB and 4 processors running MySQL 5.0. In order to do the migration we are going to need to shutdown the BOINC schedulers for about 6 hours starting at about 1:00 UTC.
2007/05/24 12:53:49|| Number of CPUs: 1 2007/05/24 12:53:49|| 191 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU 2007/05/24 12:53:49|| 162 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
>>584 2007年05月24日 18時32分04秒|| Number of CPUs: 1 2007年05月24日 18時32分04秒|| 86 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU 2007年05月24日 18時32分04秒|| 125 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
>>679 譛ィ 5/24 23:29:35 2007|World Community Grid|Reason: requested by project 譛ィ 5/24 23:34:40 2007|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work 譛ィ 5/24 23:34:40 2007|World Community Grid|Requesting 28512 seconds of new work 譛ィ 5/24 23:34:46 2007|World Community Grid|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509] 譛ィ 5/24 23:34:46 2007|World Community Grid|Message from server: No work could be sent. 譛ィ 5/24 23:34:46 2007|World Community Grid|Message from server: No work is available for FightAIDS@Home 譛ィ 5/24 23:34:46 2007|World Community Grid|Message from server: No work is available for Genome Comparison 譛ィ 5/24 23:34:46 2007|World Community Grid|Message from server: No work is available for Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 譛ィ 5/24 23:34:46 2007|World Community Grid|Message from server: (reached daily quota of 12 results) 譛ィ 5/24 23:34:46 2007|World Community Grid|Deferring communication for 10 hr 7 min 39 sec 譛ィ 5/24 23:34:46 2007|World Community Grid|Reason: requested by project
>>731 2007/05/25 0:24:19|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user 2007/05/25 0:24:19|World Community Grid|(not requesting new work or reporting completed tasks) 2007/05/25 0:24:24|World Community Grid|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509] 2007/05/25 0:24:24|World Community Grid|Deferring communication for 5 min 3 sec 2007/05/25 0:24:24|World Community Grid|Reason: requested by project
2007/05/25 0:26:43|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user 2007/05/25 0:26:43|World Community Grid|Requesting 642954 seconds of new work, and reporting 1 completed tasks 2007/05/25 0:26:48|World Community Grid|Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509] 2007/05/25 0:26:48|World Community Grid|Message from server: Not sending work - last request too recent: 143 sec 2007/05/25 0:26:48|World Community Grid|Deferring communication for 5 min 3 sec 2007/05/25 0:26:48|World Community Grid|Reason: requested by project