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【Team 2ch】分散コンピューティング総合295【UD→BOINC】

889 :名無しさん?:2010/10/11(月) 00:47:58 ID:???
STOP new FAAH batch - faah16199 - faah16201 - WUs all crash at startup
See title of new thread.
From error log of faah16201_ZINC00053562_WT2md01450CTP_00_0--
INFO:[21:34:21] Start AutoGrid...
autogrid: Unknown receptor type: "A"
-- Add parameters for it to the parameter library first!
autogrid4: ERROR: Unknown receptor type: "A"
-- Add parameters for it to the parameter library first!
autogrid: Unsuccessful completion.
autogrid4: ERROR: Unsuccessful completion.
100% of these WUs crashed on 4 of 4 machines.
Have switched to crunching other pojects.

Please let us know when it's "safe" to return to FAAH.
[Edit 1 times, last edit by Rickjb at Oct 9, 2010 11:10:43 PM]

READ.CGI - 0ch+ BBS 0.7.4 20131106