4、WCGrid(CPU) Drug Search for Leishmanaisis FightAIDS@Home GO Fight Against Malaria Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 Say No to Schistosoma The Clean Energy Project - Phase 2 5、数学(CPU) NFS@home NumberFields@home Primaboinca SAT@home SubsetSum@Home sudoku@vtaiwan SZTAKI Desktop Grid YAFU yoyo@home
そのリンク先 This makes it so that if you don't have at least 50% of your jobs valid, then your daily quota will be reduced. 半分以上不正な結果返してきたら日ごとの割り当て減らすわ The downside is that it will take longer for people to be able to create large caches. 巨大なキャッシュ作るのに時間かかるようになるけどしゃあないな
2) The second change is that if your result is invalid, then the max credit you get is 50% of the computed credit or your claimed credit, whichever is less. 不正な結果返してきたらポイントはこっちで決める分か申請してきた分か小さい方の半分や
前スレ811(2013/04/03(水))から Based on current estimates, there is now approximately 25 days of new work remaining for the Help Conquer Cancer project. 現時点での見積もりでは、HCCプロジェクトのタスクの残りは約25日分 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>422 Catalyst Control Centerのパフォーマンスの所のAMD Over Driveで GPU負荷(アクティビティ)を見て低かったら、 CPU使用%をBOINCマネージャーのツールの所の「計算に関するプレファレンス」 で下げてみてCPUプロジェクトの稼動数を減らして、GPU負荷が上がるか確認して みてはいかがでしょう?
World Record Fermat Divisor! On 13 May 2013 12:41:57 UTC, PrimeGrid's Proth Prime Search project found a world record prime Fermat divisor:
57*2^2747499+1 Divides F(2747497)
The prime is 827,082 digits long and will enter Chris Caldwell's The Largest Known Primes Database ranked 1st for prime Fermat divisors and 101st overall. Incidentally, it is also a new record for "weighted" prime Fermat divisors.
The discovery was made by Marshall Bishop (Wintermute) of the United States using an AMD Quad-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2374 HE with 32 GB RAM running Linux. This computer took about 2 hours 28 minutes to complete the primality test using LLR.
The prime was verified by [AF>Le_Pommier>MacGeneration.com] Sloughi of France using an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5645 @ 2.40GHz with 12 GB RAM running Mac OS X. This computer took about 4 hour and 46 minutes to complete the primality test using LLR. [AF>Le_Pommier>MacGeneration.com]Sloughi is a member of the L'Alliance Francophone team.
With centuries of donated computing time, volunteers have finished the computations for several popular research projects. 何世紀分もの計算時間の提供のおかげで、複数の人気のある研究プロジェクトでの計算を全て終わらせることができました。
Thank you! But there's still more work to do, as well as new projects and new features ahead! ありがとう! でも新しいプロジェクトや新しい機能進歩などやることはまだあります!
At the beginning of the year, there were eleven projects running on World Community Grid: an all-time high. 年頭にはWCGに参加したプロジェクトが11ありました: an all-time high.
Thanks to the hours, months and years of computing time donated by volunteers like you, several projects have recently completed their work on the Grid: 何時間、何ヶ月、何年分もの計算時間を提供してくれた人たちのおかげで、いくつかのプロジェクトがGridでの計算を完了しました
The Help Conquer Cancer project wrapped up in May, about 2.5 years sooner than expected. 5月に終えたHCCプロジェクトは予定より2年半早く終わりました
The addition of GPU computations accelerated the timeframe for this project, GPUでの計算が追加されたことで、このプロジェクトの時間枠は加速し、 and researchers at the Ontario Cancer Institute are already combing through the raw data provided by World Community Grid. オンタリオがん研究所の研究者は既にWCGから提供された生データの処理にとりかかかっています
We look forward to their publication of exciting and useful findings in the months ahead. 何ヶ月かしてexciting and useful な成果が発表されるのを楽しみにしています。
Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy Phase 2 has been in final validation of the results for the past several months, and that process is now complete. フェーズ2が最後数ヶ月分の計算結果の最終的な検証に入っていて、その処理が完了しています
The researchers have received the last of the results so they can begin their analysis. 研究者は最後の結果を受け取っており、分析に取りかかれます
537 :名無しさん?:2013/05/30(木) 15:59:02.96 ID:qDnmBZYz
Discovering Dengue Drugs Together - Phase 2 was a success of a different kind: フェーズ2で想定外の成果を得ることとなりました
researchers discovered that the computational method used for the last phase of the project was not reliably refining the screening for the best drug candidates, 薬の最適な候補を選別するためにこのフェーズで採った計算方法があまり信頼性の高いものではなかったとがわかったのです so they decided to take the project offline while they rethink their technique. そのため、方法を検討しなおす間はプロジェクトをオフラインにすることを決めました
They are, however, testing some of the compounds identified by the first phase of their drug screening. 現在は最初のフェーズで確認された化合物をいくつか試験しています
While this kind of development may seem frustrating, it’s a vital part of advancing scientific research in general and grid computing research in particular. この種の開発は釈然としないかもしれませんが一般的に科学研究、特に分散コンryでの研究を前進させるためには極めて重要な作業です
538 :名無しさん?:2013/05/30(木) 15:59:42.32 ID:qDnmBZYz
In addition, two more projects, Human Proteome Folding- Phase 2 and Go Fight Against Malaria, will be finishing within the next few weeks. さらにHPF2とGFAMもあと何週間かで終わります
Both projects generated valuable data during their participation in World Community Grid. どちらもWCGに参加して価値のあるデータを生み出しました
In the case of Go Fight Against Malaria, while phase 1 of the research is complete, the research team hopes to begin a second phase sometime in the future. GFAMはフェーズ1が終わりましたが、近いうちにフェーズ2を開始するつもりです
The Human Proteome Folding project is a larger and ongoing initiative that is being closed due to governmental budget cuts. HPFはもっと規模の大きなプロジェクトでしたが政府の予算削減のため終了に向けた処理を行っています
However, thanks to World Community Grid, the researchers have a vast store of completed computations - data that has been made available to and is already being used by the larger scientific community! しかし、WCGのおかげで研究者はこれまでの計算により膨大な計算結果を得ています そのデータは既にもっと大きな科学者コミュニティで活用されています
WCGからHCCの件で送られたメールの訳 -- In the webcast, Dr. Igor Jurisica outlined the goals and results of the recently completed Help Conquer Cancer project, ウェブキャストでは、Igor Jurisica 博士が最近コンプリしたHCCプロジェクトの目標と結果についてまとめた in which World Community Grid volunteers analyzed almost 120 million images of proteins that are involved in cancer processes. WCGでは有志がガンに関わる(cancer processesが指している内容は訳者はわからない)タンパク質の画像を1.2億ほど分析した This analysis will help determine the conditions under which these proteins can best be studied. この分析はタンパク質を調査する状態の決定に役立つだろう Thank you to the members who joined the webcast, and to those who participated in the Q&A session! ウェブキャストや質疑セッションに参加してくれた人に感謝します Thanks also for all the run time contributed to this project また、プロジェクトに計算時間を提供してくれたすべての人に感謝します - the results will be a vital resource for cancer research in the years to come. この結果は今後何年かのガン研究にとって極めて重要な財産となります
??? 6/ 8 09:34:31 2013 World Community Grid Sending scheduler request: To fetch work. ??? 6/ 8 09:34:31 2013 World Community Grid Requesting new tasks ??? 6/ 8 09:34:36 2013 World Community Grid Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks ??? 6/ 8 09:34:36 2013 World Community Grid Message from server: No tasks sent ??? 6/ 8 09:34:36 2013 World Community Grid Message from server: No tasks are available for Say No to Schistosoma ??? 6/ 8 09:34:36 2013 World Community Grid Message from server: No tasks are available for Drug Search for Leishmaniasis
??? 6/ 8 09:34:36 2013 World Community Grid Message from server: No tasks are available for The Clean Energy Project - Phase 2 ??? 6/ 8 09:34:36 2013 World Community Grid Message from server: No tasks are available for Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 ??? 6/ 8 09:34:36 2013 World Community Grid Message from server: No tasks are available for FightAIDS@Home ??? 6/ 8 09:34:36 2013 World Community Grid Message from server: No tasks are available for GO Fight Against Malaria
■OS,VGA Win7HomePremium,HD6850 ■プロジェクト Milkyway@Home ■エラーログ Requesting new tasks for GPU Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks Message from server: No tasks sent Message from server: No tasks are available for MilkyWay@Home Message from server: An ATI GPU supporting double precision math is required ■VGAドライバ ・13-4_vista_win7_win8_32-64_hydravision.exe ・13-4_win7_win8_64_dd_ccc_whql.exe ・AMD_Catalyst_13.5_CAP1.05212013.exe ■備考 ・Milkyway@HomeでのGPU処理はまだしたことがなく、今回が初めてです。
World Community Grid Our outage will last for several hours at least. Unfortunately, Toronto is being badly impacted by the storm and this will delay recovery.