>>174-177,192 Q1 Team 2ch is formed by the thousands of member who frequently access to the largest Internet forum in Japan, g2channelh (2ΏαρΛι, www.2ch.net/ or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2channel ). There are over several hundreds of sub-forums called gboardh covering specific genres, and hundreds of thread are posted for each board and being discussed. We have variety of members join in the team; each 2channel users has his/her own interests, and there werenft anything we have in common within the members besides the fact that we all access 2ch.net. Since each of us has different objectives for BOINC/WCG as well, we cannot really answer why each of us runs BOINC programs and do the grid computing. However, one thing we could really say for sure, is that we join Team 2ch for a single motto: gFor the smile we havenft seen yet.h