> WCG: Why did your team select World Community Grid as one of your philanthropic distributed computing projects? あなた方のチームはなぜ、慈善の分散コンピューティングプロジェクトの一つとしてWCGを選んだのですか? →
> WCG: How have you managed to recruit and maintain so many members? あなた(チーム主宰者)はどうやって、これほど多くのメンバーを勧誘し、また(人数を)維持することができたのですか? →
> WCG: What does it mean to your team to have a project from researchers on Japan running on World Community Grid? あなた方のチームにとって、日本の研究者発のプロジェクトがWCGにあることは何を意味しますか? →
> WCG: What would you say is unique about World Community Grid? あなた方は、WCGについて何がユニーク(訳注:ここでは「他に比肩するもののない」の意か?)だと思いますか? →
BOINC Version 6.6.20 released: 9 Apr 2009 * New client-side CPU & GPU scheduler * New work-fetch policy for better management of CPU and GPU work queues * Improved BOINC Manager network connectivity * Consolidation of the grid/accessible advanced views.
・Q2の癌対策プロジェクトのくだりについては、「チームメンバーの中には、身内や知人を癌で亡くした人も多い」と いう記述を是非とも入れてほしい。 Team 2chが総体として医療系プロジェクトにこだわる理由、また各メンバーがBOINCをクランチし続けている理由として 決して外せない強力な動機だと思うから。
>>174-177,192 Q1 Team 2ch is formed by the thousands of member who frequently access to the largest Internet forum in Japan, “2channel” (2ちゃんねる, www.2ch.net/ or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2channel ). There are over several hundreds of sub-forums called “board” covering specific genres, and hundreds of thread are posted for each board and being discussed. We have variety of members join in the team; each 2channel users has his/her own interests, and there weren’t anything we have in common within the members besides the fact that we all access 2ch.net. Since each of us has different objectives for BOINC/WCG as well, we cannot really answer why each of us runs BOINC programs and do the grid computing. However, one thing we could really say for sure, is that we join Team 2ch for a single motto: “For the smile we haven’t seen yet.”