BOINC 6.10.43/44 withdrawn Due to a bug in .43/.44, the currently stable BOINC client has been rolled back to 6.10.18. The bug in question only affects volunteers using GPUs that do not have enough GPU RAM to execute their desired project applications. This bug is fixed in 6.10.46 or newer. 29 Apr 2010 20:50:51 UTC
BOINC 6.10.43/44 withdrawn Due to a bug in .43/.44, the currently stable BOINC client has been rolled back to 6.10.18. The bug in question only affects volunteers using GPUs that do not have enough GPU RAM to execute their desired project applications. This bug is fixed in 6.10.46 or newer. 29 Apr 2010 20:50:51 UTC
BOINC@MIXI,, Ukraine, TitanesDC, Team China, Team 2ch, Team, The Knights Who Say Ni!, Planet 3DNow!, The Scottish Boinc Team, BOINC.BE, BOINC.Italy, L’Alliance Francophone, JISATORA@W-ASCII, SETI.USA, UK BOINC Team, Russia, Xtrem Team Boinc Addicted, AMD Users, TeAm AnandTech.
・Cosmology@home (7票)BOINCstats, CrunchingBaseTeam, Russia Team, Czech National Team, Erster Kontakt, Nordlichter, SETI.Germany ・SETI@home(4票)BOINC Synergy, MEDIA DATABASE, BOINC@Karlsruhe, Electronic Sports League (ESL)
FreeHAL@homeは最多の11票を獲得しました。 FreeHAL@homeを推薦したのは以下のチームです。, Ukraine, Team China, BOINCstats, Team 2ch, The Scottish Boinc Team, JISATORA@W-ASCII, SETI.USA, UK BOINC Team, Russia, Czech National Team
・POEM@HOME (8票)BOINC@MIXI, TitanesDC, Russia Team, BOINC@Karlsruhe, BOINC.BE, BOINC.Italy, Erster Kontakt, Nordlichter ・Yoyo@home(8票)SETI.Germany, Electronic Sports League (ESL), Team, The Knights Who Say Ni!, Planet 3DNow!, L’Alliance Francophone, Xtrem Team Boinc Addicted, TeAm AnandTech ・Projekt Spinhenge@home(2票)BOINC Synergy, CrunchingBaseTeam ・Projekt Mopac7(1票)AMD Users MEDIA DATABASEは投票を棄権しました。
Collatz Conjectureは最多の16票を獲得しました。 Collatz Conjectureを推薦したのは以下のチームです。 BOINC@MIXI,, TitanesDC, Team China, Electronic Sports League (ESL), Team 2ch, Planet 3DNow!, The Scottish Boinc Team, BOINC.Italy, JISATORA@W-ASCII, Czech National Team, UK BOINC Team, Erster Kontakt, Russia, Nordlichter, CrunchingBaseTeam
・PrimeGrid (7票) SETI.Germany, Ukraine, BOINCstats, The Knights Who Say Ni!, L’Alliance Francophone, SETI.USA, TeAm AnandTech ・ABC@home(6票) BOINC Synergy, Team, MEDIA DATABASE, BOINC@Karlsruhe, BOINC.BE, Xtrem Team Boinc Addicted ・Projekt RCN(1票) Russia Team ・Projekt WEP-M+2(1票) AMD Users
2010/05/06 17:51:44 Milkyway@home Message from server: No work sent 2010/05/06 17:51:44 Milkyway@home Message from server: (reached limit of 24 tasks in progress)
うわ、10日分ためてたロゼッタの消化具合がえらく悪いなぁと思って、ログ見たら 宿題名 exited with zero status but no 'finished' file If this happens repeatedly you may need to reset the project. こんなの出てて、延々ループしてたー! 変な結果なら、さっさとエラーにして次行ってくれ・・・3日も気づかなかった・・・もったいなす
BOINCクライアントのログメッセージの最初の方に ATI GPU 1: ATI Radeon HD 2300/2400/3200(RV610) (CAL version 1.4.635, 592MB, 40GFLOPS peak) みたいな表記があれば、CollatzでGPU演算ができるかもしれない。
(ESL) damn. We are Gamers withv huge gpu power, wtf is happening here? Lose @ milky2way and collatz, omg.... くそっ、俺たちはゲーマーで巨大なGPUパワーを持ってるのに。 どうしてこうなった?ミルキーに負け、コラッツも、なんてこった・・・ ↓ (SETI.Germany) we are not gamers, we are teamplayers like all other teams, isnt it? - 俺たちはゲーマーじゃないが、チームプレイヤーなんだ。他のチームと同様にな
枯れてきたのかな。 2010/05/21 5:28:56 World Community Grid Message from server: No work can be sent for the applications you have selected 2010/05/21 5:28:56 World Community Grid Message from server: No work is available for Help Fight Childhood Cancer 2010/05/21 5:28:56 World Community Grid Message from server: You have selected to receive work from other applications if no work is available for the applications you selected 2010/05/21 5:28:56 World Community Grid Message from server: Sending work from other applications