こんだけでいーんかな Final preparations are ongoing now for the conclusion of the Challenge. チャレンジの終わりが刻一刻と近づいて参りました。 For those "moving on" after the Challenge AND have a full cache of work now (3 hours worth), チャレンジが終わったら「よそに行く人たち」で、作業の手持ちが十分にある(3h相当)場合は、 it might be a good time to set "no new work". もう「新規タスク取得禁止」にするといいでしょう。
Please update your clients early and often to get those completed WU's reported and counted. クライアントを早めに操作して、完了したWUについては報告して集計対象になるようにしましょう。 Don't wait till the end with a large cache of results to submit. ため込んだ手持ちが全部終わるのを待たずに結果を提出しましょう。
Dear Primefinder, Congratulations! Our records indicate that a computer registered by you has found a unique prime number. This computer is running BOINC, is attached to the PrimeGrid project, and is assigned to the Proth Prime Search. What makes this prime unique is that it's large enough to enter the Top 5000 List in Chris Caldwell's The Largest Known Primes Database. Since you are the finder, you will be credited with the discovery. You have two options to report the prime.
1. PrimeGrid can report the prime on your behalf. 2. You can manually report the prime yourself.