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【Team 2ch】分散コンピューティング総合281【UD→BOINC】

783 :1/2:2009/04/04(土) 10:41:49 ID:???

Our team, Team 2ch, is formed by the thousands of member who frequently access to the Japanese Internet forum called "2channel (pronounce: ni-channel)".
It doesn't supposed to mean that we all know each other; numbers of anonymous users cooperate and work together
to accomplish our slogan "For the smiles we haven't seen yet (original: 未だ見ぬ誰かの笑顔の為に)".

Formerly, Team 2ch were used to crunch on another computing project on "grid.org" (a.k.a. UD).
However, its operation has been ended in April 2007, many of us were decided to move to work on World Community Grid,
which had a similar medical/bionic purposes of using grid computing as grid.org, such as conquering cancer and Human Proteome Folding.

784 :2/2:2009/04/04(土) 10:43:50 ID:???
2channel is pretty huge internet forum in the world; it wasn't hard to gather all the people.
In fact, BOINC is free and easy to use that we even have instruction localized in our language to guide the newcomers.
How do we keep operating then? We have a system called "Daily-Bulletin".
Our forum has each subdivided discussion board based on their interests (wel call each board "板", ita),
and we are all competing against each other, even though we are in one team as a whole group.
Most of the itas has its thread for the BOINC (not only WCG) and discuss certain things of what's happening,
as well as the volunteers posting the Daily-Bulletin for each ita on the thread.
The Bulletin will gave us the list of the name of members, their points, work they've completed and their run time.
This Daily-Bulletin system enables us to keep up our motivation because we are still participating to earn point and we know how much we've earned the point and where we are by ranking.

785 :名無しさん?:2009/04/04(土) 11:00:03 ID:???
It's not so easy to explain the reasons why team 2ch members run BOINC.
Some of us have in mind that we participate as a volunteer, some others run because it is kind of more like a game, or benchmarking how fast the processor works.
Perhaps some of us want to win against another team such as Easynews or SETI.USA,
others have their background of lose their partners or parents because of cancer or the diseases which are not so easy to recover.
Each of us have our own thoughts to participate in this BOINC and WCG Project.


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